Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby Chick time....

I went to Rothschild yesterday and got our babies.... Not as many as last year but at the price they were going for at the Small Animal auction I should have started more and made some money!!! These are Buff Orphingtons, Rhode Island Reds and Light Brahamas
These are the ones I got at the Small Animal auction. These are Aracaunas (lay green and blue eggs) and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens..


Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Hello Karleen! You've won the Tweet Thang set from Our Craft Lounge on my blog! Please send me your mailing information so they can ship that out to you! Thanks! Have a great day!

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Hello again Karleen! Nevermind about your address. . .we have it! Thanks!